Thursday, July 15, 2010

Billy Kennedy to Virginia Foxx: I'm off the Porch

Kennedy Liveblogging Thursday morning at Daily Kos

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Published at
You all know where Virginia Foxx stands on helping out working families in these tough times, right? She's voted no to any stimulus spending; voted no on modifying bankruptcy laws to help folks avoid mortgage foreclosures; voted no to assisting workers whose jobs were lost due to globalization; voted no on restricting employer interference in union organizing; voted no on a minimum wage increase; and voted no on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. Of course that's just the tip of the iceberg....

Now we can all decide to just roll our eyes when Virginia Foxx gets so fired up about the poor getting a bite of the pie that she proposes an amendment to a homeland-security appropriations bill that says Katrina victims can't use government-issued debit cards to purchase Louis Vuitton handbags or we can decide to get off the porch and actually do something about it.

I've chosen the latter. That's why I'm running hard to beat Virginia Foxx this November. The future of North Carolina's Fifth Congressional district is at stake, but so is the future of all American workers. more...